Forest Fire Risk Assessment Using Remote Sensing Techniques (Study Area: Golestan Forest)

Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 385

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 3 بهمن 1400


In this study, by using reviewing the Former reaserch sources and documents of studies that have beenreviewed by other researchers regarding the research background, a set of primary and effective indicatorsand criteria in increasing fire risk in forested areas of the province such as distance from the river, accessto existent roads, proximity to rural areas, proximity to urban areas, land cover and use, rain distribution,temperature distribution, evaporation rate in the region, altitude areas, land slope and slope direction ofthe region have been selected. In the following steps, using the concepts of fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets,fuzzy gamma overlap method, calculations related to the preparation of fire risk assessment map havebeen performed. The results show that about ۳۰% of the area is at high risk and relatively high in firecategory, playing a significant role in crisis management planning in conserving natural resources. In thenext step, using the correlation test, the relationship between the values of the risk map obtained with thevegetation maps and the surface temperature prepared via MODIS images is investigated. The correlationbetween these two indicators is negative, ۰.۶۲. This value means that with increasing fire risk, vegetationdensity decreases. The results of the correlation test showed that the correlation value between the finalmap values obtained from fire risk preparation calculations with the LST index map values or groundtemperature is about ۰.۶۰. . This level of correlation is appropriate according to the geographical andclimatic characteristics of the region of Golestan province in iran.


Mehran Alizadeh Pirbasti

Master Student in Remote sensing- Hekmat institute of higher education, Qom

Mehran Dizbadi

Master of Civil Engineering - Remote sensing - Islamic Azad university of Shahrud

Fatemeh Sadat Hosseini

Master student of GIS, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran

Meysam Davoodabadi Farahani

Ph.D. in Remote Sensing - assistant professor in Hekmat institute of higher education, Qom

Samira Blori

Ph.D. in Remote Sensing and GIS- Department of Remote Sensing- Hekmat institute of higher education,Qom