Exploring Iranian EFL Learners’ Cognitive Styles and Their Listening Comprehension

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 اردیبهشت 1401


Research on cognitive styles in the area of listening comprehension is very important and needs to be explored. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ cognitive styles and their listening comprehension. This study sought to explore the extent to which these styles can predict the L۲ learners’ performances on tests concerning listening comprehension. To this end, a mixed methods design was utilized to investigate the possible relationship between the aforementioned factors. Some seventy upper-intermediate EFL learners from three language institutes in Iran were asked to complete a questionnaire and then take part in a listening comprehension test in IELTS format after a two-week interval. The questionnaire was drawn from Learning Styles Survey designed by Cohen, Oxford, and Chi (۲۰۰۲). It included ten sections which were used to determine learners’ cognitive styles and their demographic information. The obtained data were analyzed using Spearman Rho’s correlation. The findings indicated that there was a statistically significant correlation between Analytic cognitive style and listening comprehension performance of the participants. It was also found that there was a statistically negative correlation between Global cognitive style of the learners and their listening comprehension. Other cognitive styles including Particular, Synthesizer, Field Dependent, Deductive, Inductive, Impulsive, Field Independent, and Reflective had no statistically significant relationship with listening comprehension. Finally, pedagogical implications for EFL teachers and learners, limitations and suggestions for further study are presented.


Lida Habibpour

University of Tabriz

Leila Dobakhti

Faculty of Multimedia, Tabriz Islamic Art University