Bioremediation of polluted Waters using Microorganisms.

Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 31 اردیبهشت 1401


Water pollution is the concentration of water bodies ,usually As a result of human activities , in such a manner that negatively affects its legitimates uses.Water pollution reduces the ability of the Water to provide the ecosystem services that it would otherwise provide. Environmental pollutants include sanitation ,sewage , industrial waste water , agriculturewaste water , erosion ,sediment .In recent years ,Due to the increase in pollution in the environment , researchers are trying to reduce or completelyEliminate polluting factors by using microorganisms.Bioremediation is a process that uses microorganisms , plant enzymes to detoxify contaminants in soil and water.In the bioremediation pathway , biomolecules and their strong bonds in metal adsorption are used to eliminate or reduce the toxic effects of metals from the environment .many active species of bacteria , fungi , yeasts and algae are used in this process.


Shirin Farsad

Department of Microbiology , Faculty of Basic Science ,Islamic Azad University , Qom Branch