Different Dimensions of Narcissism amongst Managers: A Metasynthesis Study
Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 تیر 1401
Personalities and behaviors of managers have a considerable impact on various aspects of the organization and employees. As a result, understanding and recognizing different personality traits and behaviors amongst managers can be extremely practical. Accordingly, the primary purpose of this paper is to identify different dimensions of narcissistic personality amongst managers by adopting a qualitative metasynthesis. To this end, a total of ۱۲۳۰ relevant previous studies on three main scientific databases, namely Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed were analyzed based on their title, abstract, and content. Ultimately, ۱۲ articles were used to determine the different personality types. The findings of qualitative metasynthesis showed that the narcissistic managers can be categorized into ۸ dimension which are histrionic, self-accepted, incompatible, vulnerable, efficient, trader, open, and dominant. This paper provides a comprehensive profile of narcissistic managers by identifying different narcissistic managers' personality types, which leads to a better understanding of narcissistic managers.
Arash Haqbin
Department of ManagementShiraz UniversityShiraz, Iran