Individual and social components of forgiveness in Islam and the West with emphasis on peace and mental health

Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 تیر 1401


This article examines the individual and social components of forgiveness in Islam and the West with an emphasis on peace and mental health. Forgiveness is a valuable, normative and behavioral matter from the point of view of reason and religion, and it can affect the person forgiving himself and related people, not only attracting divine mercy and enjoying the peace that comes from it, but also attracting. It also becomes divine love. Man can manage and control his emotional emotions by forgiving the mistakes of others. Ignoring the mistakes of others, as well as forgiving and forgiving the wrongdoers, causes people to think about self-improvement and self-improvement, and prevents the sequence of anomalies, violence, crimes, and resentments, and their relationships become more stable. And they can maintain friendships and connections. Other functions of forgiveness include attracting the love of the people and increasing social cohesion and unity. Because forgiveness is necessary for social life, which will also lead to mental health; Because mental health is not only physical health but also the coordination between values, interests and attitudes in the field of action of individuals and as a result realistic planning for life and purposeful realization of life concepts is also a component of mental health. Forgiveness can be achieved.


Nasrin Alavinia

Professor of Islamic Azad University Darab BranchDarab - Iran