The Effect of Employees’ Mental Health on Human Resource Agility with the Mediating Role of Service Morale (Case Study: Hospital of Sarableh City) abstract
This study aimed at investigating the effect of employees’
mental health on human resource agility with the mediating role of
service morale (case study: Hospital of Sarableh City). This research was applied in terms of its purpose and nature, descriptive-correlational in terms of method, and field (survey) in terms of data collection. The statistical population in this study includes all staff of Sarableh Hospital in autumn 2018, and according to the University of Medical Sciences statistics, 170 people were selected. The required sample size was estimated through the Morgan table as 115 ones who were selected by simple random sampling from the statistical population. For data collection, three
mental health questionnaires with a reliability coefficient of 0.448,
service morale with a coefficient of 0.481, and human resource agility with a coefficient of 0.465 were also used. The structural equation modeling using PLS and SPSS software was utilized to test the hypotheses. The results revealed that
mental health has a positive and significant effect on human resource agility directly and indirectly through the mediating variable of service morale. Likewise, in another part of the study, the mediating effect of the variable of
service morale was investigated, and the effect of the
mental health variable on two variables of manpower agility was considered based on the effect of a third moderating variable as service morale, and there was a positive and significant relationship, too. Therefore, it was suggested that managers pay sufficient attention to indentify the indicators and internal propositions of their mental health.