جستاری در تاویلات عرفانی امام خمینی(ره)
Publish Year: 1387
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: Persian
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 24 تیر 1401
Mystical exegesis is a kind of hermeneutic interpretation, in which the interpreter proceeds to state the non-manifest and hidden layers of the verses. According to Imam Khomeini, there are many mystic expressions and spiritual themes in the Koran and especially in the prayers transmitted by Islamic traditions, which can be interpreted only by using mystical principles. Based on mystical approach, he emphasizes two key points: the firs point is that mystics’ terminology has taken from the Koran and Islamic traditions; the second point is the emphasis on observing Shariah as a necessary condition of attaining to spiritual stations and to the knowledge of esoteric meaning of the Shariah. Explaining the mystical approach and presenting some examples of his mystical exegesis, the article elucidates the principles and methods of valid interpretation from Imam Khomeini’s viewpoint.
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