A brief review on the advantages of the sonochemical method in the synthesis ofcatalysts
Publish place: The Second International Conference on the Application of Materials and Advanced Manufacturing in Industries
Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 211
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 17 مرداد 1401
The hydrothermal method is the common method of catalyst synthesis. Today, newer methods are used toimprove the properties of synthesized catalysts. One of these methods is the sonochemical method. In fact, theuse of ultrasound waves to synthesize nanomaterials is called the sonochemical method. Sound waves abovehuman hearing (approximately above ۱۶ kHz) are called ultrasound waves. This method is very simple andfast and does not require complex facilities. This method is based on acoustic bubbling, in which ultrasonicvariables make it easy to control the size of the particles. Using this method reduces the crystallization time andchanges the morphology of the synthesized catalyst. As a result, this method synthesizes catalysts with highercrystallinity, smaller particle size with more uniform distribution, and thus improves their performance. One ofthe main advantages of sonochemical technology is the possibility of combining it with traditional and commonmethods, which makes its application-wide. The hydrothermal process is one of the processes that can becombined with sonochemical technology to achieve valuable results. This method leads to improved processesthat simultaneously benefit from both methods and thus promises products with improved properties. In thispaper, the sonochemical method and its advantages in the synthesis of catalysts are investigated.
Mohammad Javad Azarhoosh
Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran,