Genetic diagnosis and counseling

Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 78

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 22 شهریور 1401


Genetics is the science of identifying and studying genes that are the unitsthat transmit traits from one generation to another congenital disorders are agroup of anatomical disorders that exist at birth and manifest in the future.Congenital anomalies are an important cause of death in manyhospitalizations and disabilities in society. The purpose of this study isgenetic diagnosis and counseling. In the present study, relevant informationwas searched from Pub med, Scopus, Google Scholer, and Magirandatabases. Data analysis was performed qualitatively. Many neonatal deathsare related to genetic disorders, ie genetic issues are the cause of death ofmany infants, so to prevent such disorders, genetic counseling is donebefore the birth of the baby. They also perform genetic tests on the fetusbefore marriage and during pregnancy to take steps to ensure your baby'shealth. Many genetic abnormalities result from genetic changes that arepresent in all cells of the body. As a result, these abnormalities affect manybodily systems, and most of them are incurable. Serious attention topremarital genetic counseling can reduce many inherited diseases anddisabilities.


Alireza Fallah Zargaran

Nursing student, member of Young and Elite Researchers Club of Islamic AzadUniversity, Zahedan, Iran.Research Center for Clinical Health Sciences, Zahedan Branch, Islamic AzadUniversity, Zahedan, Iran.

Soheila Kalandarzaei

Nursing student, member of Young and Elite Researchers Club of Islamic AzadUniversity, Zahedan, Iran.Research Center for Clinical Health Sciences, Zahedan Branch, Islamic AzadUniversity, Zahedan, Iran.

Zahra Noura

Nursing student, member of Young and Elite Researchers Club of Islamic AzadUniversity, Zahedan, Iran.Research Center for Clinical Health Sciences, Zahedan Branch, Islamic AzadUniversity, Zahedan, Iran.