The Concept of the Recitation of the Noble Qur’ān with Ḥuzn: A Critical Examination
Publish place: Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies، Vol: 2، Issue: 1
Publish Year: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 28 شهریور 1401
One of the Infallibles’ (a) recommendations about the recitation of the Qur’ān is reciting it with ḥuzn (sadness). This recommendation can be clearly construed from the appearance of some traditions. However, the question is that if this ḥuzn is necessary in the recitation of the Qur’ān? The sad recitation of the Qur’ān improves the connection of the reciter and audience with the meaning of the verses and helps them learn its concepts. Therefore, the Infallibles (a) have significantly recommended this and have reprimanded some due to the lack of ḥuzn in their recitation. In order to understand the recommendations of the Infallibles (a), it is necessary to determine the meaning of ḥuzn and its difference from worldly sorrow and specify its intention. To this end, the instances of ḥuzn should be examined and its roots should be specified. Definitely any ḥuzn has a cause and knowing it can help specify the praiseworthy and blameworthy ḥuzn. The qur’ānic verses and Islamic traditions have suggested some signs for the praiseworthy and blameworthy ḥuzn; having praiseworthy ḥuzn is a sign of faith and the abandonment of the blameworthy ḥuzn is one of its requirements.
محمد رسول آهنگران
Professor, Department of Jurisprudence & the Principles of the Islamic Law, College of Farabi, University of Tehran,Qom, Iran
محمدرضا محمودی
PhD Holder in Jurisprudence & the Principles of the Islamic Law, College of Farabi, University of Tehran,Qom, Iran
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