Prevalence assessment of LuxS-dependent quorum sensing system genes in Enterobacteriaceae

Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 164

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 مهر 1401


Backgrounds: Undoubtedly, understanding the pathogenic mechanisms and survival ofpathogenic bacteria in the human digestive system can help design appropriate treatment andprevention strategies. Quorum sensing can lead to changes in the microbial flora in pathogenicbacteria and the predominance of a range of bacteria in the gut, which one of the consequencesmay be antibiotic resistance.Materials and Methods: In the present study, ۱۰۰ different samples of Enterobacteriaceae werecollected from patients with diarrhea and intestinal infections and cultivated in Mueller-HintonAgar (MHA) and Blood Agar (BA). The presence of the LuxS gene was screened by the colony-PCR method. The positive bacteria obtained in the next step were examined for the presence ofbiofilm using CRA culture. Also, the amount of diversity of colonies obtained from microbialculture was evaluated by the RFLP method and acrylamide gel for any variance in diversity.Results: The results showed a ۳۷% prevalence of the LuxS gene in the isolated bacteria. RFLPmethod by Haelll and Hinhl enzymatic mapping showed a more homogeneous pattern for thefragments belonging to LuxS + bacteria genome.Conclusion: The present study showed the presence of athe LuxS gene can reduce the diversityand dominance of similar bacteria that can accumulate and detect the synonym signals, andtherefore should be considered in antibiotic administration programs.


Shiva Tadayon

Department of Genetics, Faculty of science, Shahrekord University

Ali Mohammad Ahadi

Department of Genetics, Faculty of science, Shahrekord University