Review of combustion and environmental emissions in gasoline vehicles and provide technical and management solutions in order reduce emissions
Publish place: The first Congress of the automotive industry
Publish Year: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 تیر 1391
Today, the eve of the twenty-first century environmental issues like air pollution and global warming that should be considered. Currently, annual production of over sixty million vehicles in worldwide is one of the major sources of pollution and consumption of fossil fuels is considered. In this paper we study the properties of the fuel, ignition and combustion engine gasoline vehicles and their performance is evaluated. Then to evaluate the pollutants produced from gasoline vehicles System and Finally, technical and management solutions to reduce pollutants is presented. Studies show that despite the increase in automobile production, using appropriate strategies to be somewhat avoided of pollutants in this section
Hammed hoseinzadeh
MSc energy systems, research office in technical college babol,technical and vocational university Babol, Iran
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