CART Survey Application in Assessing Community Resilience towards Hazard-Induced Urban Community abstract
Communities Advancing Resilience Toolkit (CART) is a comprehensive surveying tool for assessing the community's resilience and identifying the strength and challenges of the community towards resilience capacity. The study assessed the community resilience of the hazard-induced urban community in Nigeria. The version of
CART adopted enlisted 27 items of core community resilience and community attributes which represented critical components in an urban community and were randomly administered among urban dwellers. Survey outcome deduced that the domain "connection and caring" was deduced as the community resilience strength domain (mean= 3.18, SD= 0.38). In contrast, the item deduced as the strength of the community was "people feeling of belonging in the community", with the highest agreement of 63.3% (mean= 3.63, SD= 1.35). The domain "disaster management" was deduced as the community resilience challenge (mean= 3.06, SD= 0.63), while the item deduced as the challenge of the community was "community has services and programs to help people after a disaster", which recorded the lowest agreement and highest disagreement of 69.3% (mean= 2.13, SD= 1.13). The community attribute assessment items indicated that "necessary healthcare services availability" has the highest agreement (61.3%, Mean= 3.48, SD= 1.25) while the item "availability of leadership opportunities in the community" has the lowest agreement (42.7%, Mean= 3.32, SD= 1.24). Expanding the surveying process of the
CART application can provide key information in a resilient building; hence, the need for continuous improvement on such application to further improve the study of community resilience.