The Effectiveness of Boen's Systemic Family Therapy on Attachment Styles and Irrational Beliefs of Women Faced with Infidelity

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 28 فروردین 1402


The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of Boen's systemic family therapy on attachment styles and irrational beliefs in women affected by the infidelity of their husbands in Tehran in ۱۴۰۱. The method of the current research is semi-experimental and a pre-test-post-test plan with a control group was used to collect data. The statistical population of the research was made up of all the women faced with infidelity by their husbands who went to the counseling centers of the ۷th district of Tehran, and among them, ۳۰ people were randomly selected in the experimental group (۱۵ people in each group) and control. (۱۵ people) were appointed. The experimental group of Bowen Systemic Family Therapy was trained for ۸ sessions of ۹۰ minutes, and the control group remained on the waiting list. The tools used in the current research included the attachment styles questionnaire (Collins and Reed, ۱۹۹۰) and the irrational beliefs questionnaire (Jones, ۱۹۶۹), which were used in two phases, pre-test and post-test. The analysis of the information obtained from the implementation of the questionnaire was done through the SPSS۲۴ software in two descriptive and inferential sections (analysis of covariance). The findings showed that the secure attachment style score of the experimental group had a significant increase of ۴۸% compared to the control group, and there was a significant decrease in the insecure/ambivalent and avoidant styles, with an effect of ۱۵% and ۱۲%, respectively. Also, the results showed that Bowen's systemic family therapy has improved helplessness towards change, expectation of approval from others, avoidance of problems and emotional irresponsibility of women faced with infidelity. These results can be a support for using Bowen's systematic counseling method in reducing irrational beliefs and increasing the level of secure attachment in women faced with infidelity, so that in addition to preventing the collapse of the family foundation, it improved marital relations.


attachment styles , irrational beliefs , Boen's systemic family therapy , betrayal , سبک های دلبستگی , باورهای غیرمنطقی , خانواده درمانی سیستمی بوئن , خیانت


عاطفه ملک لو

Master of Counseling, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran