Binder-free FTO-ZnO/Carbon Nanofiber Composite for Lithium-ion Battery
Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 205
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 اردیبهشت 1402
A high theoretical capacity anode material is tin oxide. However, its practical use in lithium-ionbatteries has been limited by the volume growth and rapid capability fading during cycling(>۳۰۰%), which causes SnO۲ pulverization and extreme cycling deterioration. SnO۲-basedelectrode materials have been thought to face major challenges due to their weak conductivity andelectrochemical reversibility. Here, we show how to make FTO-ZnO/Carbon NF, which enablesvolume expansion and shortens the diffusion pathway for Li-ions. CNF is helpful in enhancing thenanocomposite's structural stability. Fluorine doping will increase the conductivity of SnO۲ in thissituation. Moreover, ZnO stopped Sn from aggregating, which gave rise to a stable and highdischarge capacity. Due to its high capacity retention, high reversible and rate capacity (۷۴۸mAh.g-۱ after ۵۰ cycles at a current density of ۱۰۰ mA.g-۱), the proposed anode holds substantialpotential for the effective development of ultrafast anode materials like Li-ion battery anodes.
Mahsa Panahi Azar
Department of New Siences and Technoloies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Fateme Razi Astaraei
Department of New Siences and Technoloies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran