Examining the relationship between smoking and COVID-۱۹: Review study
Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 اردیبهشت 1402
Background: The new COVID-۱۹ virus mainly affects the lungs and causes acute respiratorysyndrome in humans. Smoking is one of the most important known risk factors in the occurrenceof severe respiratory diseases and even death. This study was conducted to investigate the effect ofsmoking on the disease COVID-۱۹.Methods: This study searched sources related to smoking and COVID-۱۹ in SID, PubMed,Embase, Cochrane, and Google Scholar databases using the keywords "tobacco" and "COVID-۱۹"in Farsi and English. Finally, studies that evaluated the relationship between smoking and itsoutcomes in patients with COVID-۱۹ were included.Results: Most of the studies have shown a positive relationship regarding the effect of smokingon the increase in the incidence of COVID-۱۹. Smoking, especially smoking, is associated withincreased expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme receptors; which has a significantrelationship with the infection rate and severity of the COVID-۱۹ disease. Smoking and relateddiseases have been reported to have a worse prognosis for COVID-۱۹. The results of variousstudies show that smoking is associated with an increase in the risk of respiratory tract infections,disruption of the body"s immune system, a decrease in the function and capacity of the lungs, andultimately an increase in the risk of contracting COVID-۱۹.Conclusion: Smoking increases the risk of contracting COVID-۱۹ and its severity by disruptingthe body"s immune system, increasing the risk of respiratory tract infections, and reducing lungfunction. Therefore, smoking can be considered a risk factor for COVID-۱۹ disease.
Ayuob Shokoufamanesh
MSc Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, Torbat Jam Faculty of Medical Sciences, Torbat Jam,Iran
Syyedeh Fatemeh Derakhshi
Public health undergraduate student, Student Research Committee, Torbat Jam Faculty of MedicalSciences, Torbat Jam, Iran
Shima Bakhtiari
Public health undergraduate student, Student Research Committee, Torbat Jam Faculty of MedicalSciences, Torbat Jam, Iran
Mina ZovarSorani
Public health undergraduate student, Student Research Committee, Torbat Jam Faculty of MedicalSciences, Torbat Jam, Iran