Health changes due to e-cigarettes and combustible tobacco cigarettesconcomitantly (dual users)

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 88

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 اردیبهشت 1402


Background: The field of electronic cigarettes is developing with a wide range of design andengineering. These products are used as an alternative to combustible tobacco among people whoare trying to quit or reduce their consumption (known as dual users).The researchers in this studylooked at the health changes caused by electronic cigarettes and combustible tobacco cigarettessimultaneously.Methods: Searching scientific sites Pubmed, SID and Google Scholar search engine using thekeywords electronic cigarette, cigarette, combustible tobacco, dual users and their Englishequivalents. During the years ۲۰۰۰ to ۲۰۲۲, a search was conducted, and a total of ۳۰ articles werereviewed according to the inclusion criteria.Results: E-cigarettes may emit significantly less toxic substances than combustible cigarettes,while nicotine consumption is similar in both. According to the findings of studies, metals such assilicate have been found more in the aerosol of electronic cigarettes compared to cigarette smoke.While e-cigarette advocates emphasize the harm reduction of this smoking cessation method, dualusers face the short- and long-term effects of concurrent use of these methods. In the meantime,using electronic cigarettes continuously may have unknown effects.Conclusion: In general, the use of electronic cigarettes and combustible tobacco cigarettes hasside effects. Among the harms of using electronic cigarettes, the harms related to the respiratorysystem and combustible tobacco cigarettes can be mentioned as the damage to the respiratorysystem and a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases , management policy should be based onreducing or quitting both types of smoking to maximize potential health benefits.


Bahare Janmohmmadi

Department of Nutrition Sciences, School of Health, Larestan University of Medical Sciences, Larestan,Iran.