Syntactic theory of lipid-plate tectonics of lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere to exhibit the tectonic evolution of continental and oceanic hydro-lipid-plates leading to orogenic belt(s) of Himalaya, Hindu Kush, Alborz, Zagros and Caucasus to map the lipid water canals for managing the water & food sources according to evolutionary and ultimatum game theories to refuse the water bankruptcy ideaas the category of the clock theory of biodiversity migration sphere/non-sphere of Earth's neo-ecosystem sphere/non-sphere from the hypothesis and the theory of creation geometric/non-geometric cloc

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 اردیبهشت 1402


The earth was seen with pluralistic thought, so, Earth's different spheres were extracted, such as thelithosphere, the hydrosphere and the biosphere; based on the viewpoint, various plates would beextracted from the spheres, any element of the nature was/is/will be a kind of plate of its sphere thateach of, has been or is involved and participate in the evolutionary process (es) separately and totallywith a universal harmony in the creation system. The lipid-plate tectonics theory is a new discovery tounderstand how the plates of lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere were formed. Lipids as thebiomolecule demonstrate their role to the evolution of the universe in the new research again. In thetheory, orogenic movements of Himalaya, Hindu Kush, Alborz, Zagros and Caucasus are newlyexplained by the tectonic evolution of oceanic and continental lipid-plates which result to discover thelipid water canals that can prove the unit marine connections of the waters of earth. By preparing thehydrogeological lipid-map based on the lipids' structures, connecting the Black Sea to Caspian Sea andAral Sea as well to Persian Sea (with the connections of Van, Urmia, Hammar, Shadegan lakes)became possible which corresponds to the game theories of ultimatum and evolutionary, becausewater will be more fairly distributed among regions again that will prevent pure altruism and extremeselfishness among residential populations, so, this factor will restore the destroyed ecosystem as wellas grow species that are compatible with the marine environment, and ultimately cause a water-landbiological balance. A stable water structure in the hydrosphere results in a stable food structure in thebiosphere, and now the Aral Sea is out of the water-food cycle. Filling the Aral Sea also results inreturning the Himalayas to the ice cycle.


Solmaz Izadighalati

Geology-Paleontology & Stratigraphy, Islamic Azad University of ShirazThe former members of Iran Geology Society & Young Researchers and Elite Club