Investigating the effect of establishing knowledgemanagement on agricultural development in Makooo city abstract
One of the issues that should be included in the framework of sustainable development dueto its direct connection with natural resources such as soil and water on the one hand andhuman food on the other hand, is the agricultural sector. Since agriculture is the main sourceof human food supply, there is no doubt about trying to develop it. Among these, knowledgeand its management is one of the most important components of sustainable agriculturaldevelopment. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of establishingknowledge management on agricultural development in
Makooo Free Zone. For this purpose,the experts of Makooo Agricultural Jihad Organization were considered as a statisticalpopulation. The statistical sample of the research was determined using Cochran's formula of120 people. The Lawson
Knowledge Management Standard Questionnaire (KMAI),developed by Lawson in 2003 and containing 24 items, was used to collect data. Also, inorder to evaluate the agricultural development variable, a researcher-made questionnaire with8 questions was used. Questionnaires were used in the study of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test toevaluate the normality of the distribution of variables. Then, using correlation and regressiontests, all aspects of knowledge management on the agricultural development of Makooo FreeZone were investigated and all analyzes of the present study were performed by Spss.23software. The results showed that except for two dimensions of knowledge managementabsorption and dissemination, all dimensions including knowledge creation, knowledgeorganization, knowledge storage and knowledge application had a positive and significanteffect on the agricultural development of Makoo Free Zone.Keywords: Sustainable Development, Agricultural Develo