An Efficient Approach for Driver Drowsiness Detection at Moderate Drowsiness Level Based on Electroencephalography Signal and Vehicle Dynamics Data abstract
Background: Drowsy driving is one of the leading causes of severe accidents worldwide. In this
study, an analyzing method based on drowsiness level proposed to detect drowsiness through
electroencephalography (EEG) measurements and
vehicle dynamics data. Methods: A driving
simulator was used to collect brain data in the alert and drowsy states. The tests were conducted on
19 healthy men. Brain signals from the parietal, occipital, and central parts were recorded. Observer
Ratings of Drowsiness (ORD) were used for the drowsiness stages assessment. This study used an
innovative method, analyzing drowsiness EEG data were in respect to ORD instead of time. Thirteen
features of EEG signal were extracted, then through Neighborhood Component Analysis, a feature
selection method, 5 features including mean, standard deviation, kurtosis, energy, and entropy
are selected. Six classification methods including K‑nearest neighbors (KNN), Regression Tree,
Classification Tree, Naive Bayes, Support vector machines Regression, and Ensemble Regression
are employed. Besides, the lateral position and steering angle as a vehicle dynamic data were used
to detect drowsiness, and the results were compared with classification result based on EEG data.
Results: According to the results of classifying EEG data, classification tree and ensemble regression
classifiers detected over 87.55% and 87.48% of drowsiness at the moderate level, respectively.
Furthermore, the classification results demonstrate that if only the single‑channel P4 is used, higher
performance can achieve than using data of all the channels (C3, C4, P3, P4, O1, O2). Classification
tree classifier and regression classifiers showed 91.31% and 91.12% performance with data from
single‑channel P4. The best classification results based on vehicle dynamic data were 75.11 through
KNN classifier. Conclusion: According to this study, driver drowsiness could be detected at the
moderate drowsiness level based on features extracted from a single‑channel P4 data.