Proposed future prospects for artificial cyborg eyeprostheses

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 25 مرداد 1402


Every year, many people lose their eyes for various reasons and need to use artificial eyeprostheses, Artificial eye prostheses are devices that replace the function of the natural eye forpeople who have lost their vision due to various causes. The current state of the art in this fieldis limited by the challenges of biocompatibility, functionality, and aesthetics. This study aimsto explore the potential future prospects for artificial cyborg eye prostheses, which areenvisioned as hybrid systems that integrate biological and electronic components. In thisresearch, after examining and introducing the main problem, three different scenarios that canbe the future of this field are introduced, and then for the scenario that includes the completereplacement of the organ with its engineered and electronic version, suggestions for creativedesigns are presented.


Arya Gholipoor Hanizi

Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering student, Faculty of Electricity and Computer, Tabriz University, Tabriz,Iran

Amir Mehdi Niktabar

Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering student, Faculty of Electricity and Computer, Tabriz University, Tabriz,Iran