Dynamics of a Running Below-Knee Prosthesis Compared to Those of a Normal Subject
Publish place: Journal of Solid Mechanics، Vol: 5، Issue: 2
Publish Year: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 28 مرداد 1402
The normal human running has been simulated by two-dimensional biped model with ۷ segments. Series of normal running experiments were performed and data of ground reaction forces measured by force plate was analyzed and was fitted to some Fourier series. The model is capable to simulate running for different ages and weights at different running speeds. A proportional derivative control algorithm was employed to grant stabilization during each running step. For calculation of control algorithm coefficients, an optimization method was used which minimized cinematic differences between normal running model and that of the experimentally obtained from running cycle data. This yielded the estimated torque coefficients of the different joints. The estimated torques and the torque coefficients were then applied to specific below-knee prosthesis (a SACH foot) to simulate healthy-running motion of joints. Presently the SACH foot is designed for amputee’s walking; our data was used to modify such construct for running purposes. The goal was to minimize the differences between normal human model and a subject wearing a SACH foot during running. Kinematical curves of models for the obtained optimum mechanical properties indicated that prosthetic leg can reasonably produce the kinematics of normal running under normal joint driving torques.
A Ebrahimi Mamaghani
Mechanical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran
H Zohoor
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran
K Firoozbakhsh
Biomechanics, Mechanical Engineering Sharif University
R Hosseini
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Tehran
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