Assessing sustainable development indicatorsin Anzali international wetland environment

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 مرداد 1402


The Anzali International Wetland is a valuable ecological and social resource under threat from various pressures, including industrial development. To ensure that industrial development in the wetland is conducted in a sustainable manner, it is important to consider a range of social, environmental, economic, and institutional indicators, as suggested by the UN. This study aimed to assess sustainable development indicators in the Anzali International Wetland environment by identifying key indicators that can effectively depict the complex ecological, social, and economic dynamics of the wetland, and guide more sustainable management practices. significant correlations between the social, environmental, economic, and institutional sectors in the wetland environment were founded. The correlation coefficient between the social and environmental sectors was ۰.۶۵ (p < ۰.۰۱), indicating a moderate positive correlation. Similarly, the correlation coefficient between the economic and institutional sectors was ۰.۷۲ (p < ۰.۰۱), indicating a strong positive correlation. Descriptive statistics revealed that the mean scores for the social, environmental, economic, and institutional sectors were moderately positive, ranging from ۳.۲ to ۳.۸ out of ۵. Inferential statistics revealed significant differences in perception of sustainability across the different sectors. To ensure that development in the wetland is conducted in a sustainable manner, decision-makers need to consider a range of social, environmental, economic, and institutional indicators. By optimizing these indicators, decision-makers can ensure that industrial development in the Anzali International Wetland environment is conducted in a manner that benefits local communities, protects the environment, and supports long-term economic growth and development. This study provides valuable insights into the complex dynamics of sustainability in the Anzali International Wetland environment. By optimizing sustainable development indicators, decision-makers can ensure that institutional development in the wetland environment is conducted in a way that is socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable.


Saeid Aftabi Hossein

Instructor, Department of Civil Engineering, Bandar Anzali Branch, Islamic Azad University,Bandar Anzali, Iran

Seyedeh Keyhaneh Kafshchi

Instructor, Department of Humanities, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran