The Representation of Multiple Intelligences in ESP Textbooks; a Content Analysis of Technical High School Course Books Regarding Language Learners’ MI Profile abstract
In this study we try to investigate the extent to which Multiple Intelligences Theory (MI),is reflected in the designed ESP textbooks for high school students.For this aim, a Multiple Intelligences checklist developed by Razmjoo and Jozhaghi (2010),was used to calculate the frequencies and percentages of occurrence of each type of intelligences reflected through various activities in these selected ESP textbooks. And also Christison’s (1996,1999) young adults’ questionnaire was chosen for determining MI profile of 12th grade ESP learners who, those textbooks that are going to be studied in this research,were determined for them at school.The results of careful analysis of these textbooks’ tasks revealed that they mostly provided activities in the light of verbal/linguistic and visual/spatial intelligences.The least dominant intelligences were intrapersonal and naturalist intelligence types and no example of the naturalist intelligence was found in these course books’ activities.The results of the study also revealed variation of students’ and course books’ MI profiles. As contrasted with the course books’ MI profile,a balanced distribution of all types of intelligences with varying degrees, were perceived among the students.Verbal intelligence was represented in most activities which is the least preferred by the students,which is followed by logical intelligence.While Bodily/Kinesthetic, Natural and Musical intelligence were neglected that are the most favorable in the MI profiles of students.The findings of the study highlight the fact that, ESP curriculum designers, for high school students, need to consider the necessity of applying all intelligence types, also regarding the field of study, in designing the ESP textbooks.