The Effect of Mobile Phones and their Programs on LearningEnglish

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 126

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 24 شهریور 1402


Today, as one of the world's most widely used living languages, English is of fundamental importance inscientific and international circles. Therefore, paying attention to the revision of learning and its teachingmethods is necessary. The increase in the need to learn English in various fields, especially in the academicfield, has led to extensive research in the field of English language teaching. In such a way that, at the sametime as the use of modern electronic devices such as mobile phones increases, the use of these devices inlanguage teaching has also attracted the attention of many researchers. Unfortunately, despite the increase insmartphones and valid research in the field of language teaching through mobile phones, this teachingmethod does not seem very common in Iran. The current study relies on previous research findings tohighlight the features and importance of using mobile phones and their applications in teaching English andto recommend this teaching method for language learners. Based on studies, using mobile phones forlanguage teaching and learning can be useful and effective. Because it uses most of the five senses and at thesame time, it is easily used anywhere and anytime.


Zahra Akbari

Department of English Language Teaching ,Factualy of Humanities , Ilam Branch,Islamic Azad University,Ilam, Iran