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Comparative comparison of multi-factor models of the challenge of administrative transformation for the establishment of management systems.

Publish Year: 1402
Type: Conference paper
Language: English
View: 134

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Index date: 26 September 2023

Comparative comparison of multi-factor models of the challenge of administrative transformation for the establishment of management systems. abstract

This paper proposes adequate strategies that companies, public administrators and organisations in the education industry can undertake to successfully face the challenges of digital transformation in a regional innovation system. This research considers stakeholders that operate in the Tyrol–Veneto macroregion (the Tyrol, South Tyrol and Veneto areas), a significant case of moderately innovative European macroregion.This study undertakes explorative research based on a qualitative method. It adopts a place-based multi-stakeholder approach to emphasise the role of three categories of stakeholders (companies, educational system and regional governments) in facing digital changes. More precisely, interviews with 60 stakeholders from the Tyrol–Veneto macroregion were conducted and examined via both text mining analysis and content analysis. First, correspondence factor analysis was performed using IRaMuTeQ software to identify homogeneous subsets of concepts (pillars–i.e., macroareas of strategic actions). Second, two coding phases were implemented using NVivo software to detect strategic fields of action and specific strategic actions undertaken to address the challenges of digital transformation

Comparative comparison of multi-factor models of the challenge of administrative transformation for the establishment of management systems. Keywords:

Comparative comparison of multi-factor models of the challenge of administrative transformation for the establishment of management systems. authors

Farshad GANJI

۱Corresponding author: Business-Accounting and Finance Ph.D. (C) The student in the Institute of Social Sciences, University of İstanbul Arel, Istanbul, Turkey