Development Of Fundamental Motor Skill Activities Circuit-Based Games To Improve The Motor Skills Of Children With Dyspraxia
Publish place: Health Education & Health Promotion، Vol: 11، Issue: 3
Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 122
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 مهر 1402
Aims The purpose of this study aims to develop fundamental motor skill activities based on game circuits that aim to improve the motor skills of children with dyspraxia.
Instruments & Methods This research method involves the stages of instrument development, initial trials, revision, and field trials. Instruments in the form of game circuits are designed with various motor challenges specifically designed to facilitate the development of basic motor skills. In the initial trial phase, activities are implemented with the participation of several children who have dyspraxia. Then, instruments and activities are adjusted based on feedback and findings from the initial trials. Field trials were conducted through the participation of larger groups of children with dyspraxia to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the activities developed.
Findings The findings showed that the development of fundamental motor skill activity based on the game circuit has a CVR value of ۰.۵ greater than the threshold limit of ۰.۶۲ so it has good content validity in measuring the desired construct.
Conclusion The development of fundamental motor skill activities through the game circuit approach can be an effective strategy to improve the motor skills of children with dyspraxia.
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