Distribution of 32P between Roots and Tops of White Clover:
Effect of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Placement Distance
from the Roots abstract
In a greenhouse experiment, the effects of Glomus intraradices and indigenous mycorrhizal
isolates from soils under plow and no-till treatments on the uptake of 32P placed
at 1, 2.5 and 4 cm from the roots of white clover (Trifolium repens) in 23, 37 or 46 days after
planting were compared.Spores of the indigenous fungi were mostly a mixture of
Glomus mossea, G. clarum, G. caledonium and G. claroideum . The colonization of the
roots with regard to hyphae, vesicle or arbuscules was significantly different among fungi.
Uptake of 32P from different distances from the roots was strongly dependent on the mycorrhizal
isolate used and the plant-symbiont age. Indigenous fungi were more effective in
translocating 32P from short distances compared with G. intraradices as measured in the
plants. At the age of 46 days, for example, fungi from no-till and plowed plots transported
8-10 times more 32P to the plants as compared with G. intraradices, when32P was placed at
1-cm distance from the roots. These differences, however, disappeared when 32P was
placed at 2.5 or 4 cm from the roots. As the plant-symbiont grew older, relatively more
32P was translocated to the tops and the differences between fungi in this respect became
more pronounced. In 21-, 37- and 46-day-old plants, for example, and when 32P was
placed 1 cm from the root surface, 18, 21 and 56%, respectively, of the absorbed 32P was
translocated to the tops in plants inoculated with fungi from plowed fields. Progressively
lesser amounts of total absorbed 32P were translocated to the tops as 32P was placed farther
away from the roots. For example in 46 days after planting 51, 30 and 11% of total
absorbed 32P was translocated to the tops when 32P was placed at 1, 2.5 and 4 cm from the
roots, respectively, white clovers being inoculated with fungi from no-till soil. It is concluded
that the native mycorrhizal fungi , after a long period of different tillage practices,
may have different effects on the partitioning of absorbed phosphorus within white clover.