Comfort in Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation: A Literature
Publish place: Journal of Critical Care Nursing، Vol: 11، Issue: 2
Publish Year: 1397
Type: Journal paper
Language: English
View: 108
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Index date: 20 November 2023
Comfort in Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation: A Literature abstract
Background: Comfort in patients receiving mechanical ventilation can be disturbed for many reasons. This condition may lead tonegativeimpactsduetounmetcomfortneedsinpatientswithmechanicalventilation. Kolcaba’scomforttheorydescribedthat patients’ comfortmaybeenhanced,if theneedsof comfortcanbemetinfourcontextsof comfort,includingphysical,psychospiritual, environmental, and sociocultural comfort. Therefore, there is a need to identify causative factors that may disturb comfort duringmechanicalventilationandinterventiontopromotecomfortwhilereceivingmechanicalventilation. Objective: Thisstudyaimedatreviewingtheliteratureconcerningcomfortinpatientsreceivingmechanicalventilation. Methods: A literature review was conducted by analyzing 42 scholarly papers from year 2002 to 2016. The data were searched through Scopus, ProQuest, Elsevier/Science Direct, CINAHL, and PubMed based on PICO questions with keywords; ‘comfort’, ‘discomfort’,‘comfortneed’ ‘patient’,‘mechanicalventilation’,and‘ventilator’. Relevantarticleswereappraisedfollowingtherecommendationof theJoannabriggsinstituteforevidence-basednursing. Results: Overall, 116 articles were retrieved and 42 articles met the inclusion criteria. The results presented comfort needs of mechanically ventilated patients in physical, psychospiritual, environmental, and sociocultural contexts, and interventions to promotecomfortduringmechanicalventilationweredividedtothefollowingthreecategories,pharmacologicalinterventions,nursingcareinterventions,andcomplementaryandalternativeinterventions. Conclusion and Recommendation: The knowledge from this literature review can be useful for nurses and other healthcare providerstodevelopqualitycomfortcareforpatientsdependentonmechanicalventilation.
Keywords: Comfort,Discomfort,MechanicalVentilation,Ventilator
Comfort in Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation: A Literature authors