Building a Private Cloud with OpenStack and Joli OS
Publish Year: 1391
Type: Conference paper
Language: English
View: 2,589
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Index date: 31 January 2013
Building a Private Cloud with OpenStack and Joli OS abstract
Today, with rapid growth of the cloud computing technology, enterprises and organizations need to build their private cloud for their own specific requirements. Infrastructure itself is not sufficient for users, they need platforms and software, and what mobile users need is a special kind of operating system which must be available through web browsers, and in this case we need cloud operating system, which could be available through a web browser. In this paper we are going to introduce one of the most successful open source software collections to build a private and public cloud infrastructure, OpenStack, and building platform layer with Joli OS for mobile users.
Building a Private Cloud with OpenStack and Joli OS Keywords:
Building a Private Cloud with OpenStack and Joli OS authors
Reza Bakhshayeshi
Islamic Azad University of Garmsar
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