Synthesis of ETS-۱۰ and its modification

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 90

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 آذر 1402


The objective of this study is to synthesize ETS-۱۰ and modify its surface area, pore volume,and pore size. ETS-۱۰ adsorbent, with a Si/Ti ratio of ۵.۵, was synthesized without seeds using thehydrothermal method[۱]. To modify ETS-۱۰, organic templates such as tetrapropylammoniumbromide and P۱۲۳, as well as a specific weight percentage of isopropanol as a solvent, were used.ETS-۱۰(Na, K) was synthesized using hydrothermal methods as previously reported. The final gelcomposition was ۳.۵Na۲O:۱.۵K۲O:TiO۲:۵.۵ SiO۲:۱۳۱ H۲O [۱]. During the synthesis of ETS-۱۰,sodium silicate and deionized water were mixed, and then sodium hydroxide and potassiumchloride were added to the mixture. After achieving a homogeneous mixture, titanium trichloridewas added, and the pH level was set to ۱۰-۱۱. The resulting gel was then transferred to a Teflonlinedautoclave and heated at ۲۳۰°C for ۶۰ hours. Finally, the ETS-۱۰ powder obtained waswashed and dried for ۲۴ hours at ۱۱۰°C. In comparison to the ETS-۱۰ synthesis, the synthesis ofETS۱۰ (۱۰ wt% isopropanol) and ETS-۱۰ (۲۰ wt% isopropanol) involved substituting ۱۰ wt% and۲۰ wt% of deionized water, respectively, with isopropanol solvent in the first step of the synthesis.The synthesized adsorbents were named ETS۱۰ (۱۰ wt% isopropanol) and ETS-۱۰ (۲۰ wt%isopropanol). The synthesis of organic templates followed the same procedure as the ETS-۱۰synthesis: after adding sodium hydroxide and potassium chloride, organic templates such asTPABr and P۱۲۳ were added to the mixture. The resulting mixture was dried and then calcined[۲]. XRD, SEM and BET analysis were used to identify the synthesized compounds.


Ramin Ebrahimi

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical and petroleum sciences, Shahid Beheshti University,Tehran, Iran

Ensia Ganji Babakhanib

Department of Gas Processing and Transmission Development, Faculty of, Research Institute ofPetroleum Industry, Tehran, Iran

Nasser Safari

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical and petroleum sciences, Shahid Beheshti University,Tehran, Iran