Environmental Health and Safety Assessment of Schools in Khalkhal City Using Crisis Management Approach abstract
Background: Paying attention to physical, health and safety issues in educational environments is the most effective and fundamental factor for physical, mental and psychological development of students. Therefore, one of the most important and effective health issues of the school is to observe environmental health and safety. This study was conducted with the aim of surveying the environmental health and safety of schools in Khalkhal city with a crisis management approach.
Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive study with cross sectional design. The study population consists of all primary, middle and high schools in Khalkhal city (n=28). For sampling, census method was used. Data collection tool was an 87-item checklist that surveys the health status of schools and its classrooms in terms of health and safety facilities. It was completed by visiting schools and observing, interviews and measurements. Collected data were analyzed in SPSS and Excel software.
Results: 10% of schools had newly constructed buildings and 90% had old buildings. The minimum required area per student was observed in all schools. The green space area required for each student is 0.5 square meters, which was not observed in 73.83% of schools. Only 87.5% of schools had one toilet for every 40 students. Sewage disposal in 98% of schools was hygienic, and 100% of schools had sanitary trash cans. In 60% of the schools, the toilets did not meet the hygiene standards. In 84% of the schools, the number of washbasins was proportional to the number of students (1 per 60). All the classrooms had maximum use of natural light. Moreover, in most schools, health policies, safety policies and emergency and personal hygiene standards were met.
Conclusion: Most schools in Khalkhal city were at moderate level in terms of environmental health and safety and compliance with national school environmental health regulations as well as being prepared to deal with emergencies and crises which indicates a need for more attention and support from the relevant authorities for improving their status.