A comparative study on postpartum sexual function in primiparus and multiparous women abstract
Sexual function in human is affected by a complex of interactions. Childbirth eventis one of the most important sexual function influencing factors. Pregnancy andchildbirth affects all organs of the female body especially the genital tract andthe resulting changes may cause them problems in sexual intercourse. Negativechildbirth experiences from previous deliveries can affect sexual performance.Therefore the present study was conducted with the aim of comparing sexualperformance in primiparus and
multiparous women. This cross-sectional analyticstudy was performed using systematic random sampling in on 420 women in thepostpartum period who referred to Bandar Abbas health centers in 2018. Thedata were collected based on interview method using Female Sexual FunctionIndex (FSFI) questionnaire and demographic questionnaire for midwifery. Dataanalysis was performed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS)version 23 software. The results showed that
sexual dysfunction was lower inmultiparous women than in primiparus women (p=0.006). The factors includinghousing situation (p=0.012) monthly income (p=0.001) episiotomy incision(p=0.012) perineal rupture and laceration (p=0.016) frequency of intercourseafter delivery (p=0.000) education level of women (p<0.001) and their spouses(p=0.001) in primiparus women while factors including having separate bedroom(P=0.023) having episiotomy incision (p=0.002) greater spousal age difference (p=0.009) perineal rupture and laceration (p=0.005) and lactation (p<0.001) wereinfluential in sexual function of
multiparous women. Sexual function is differentin primiparus and
multiparous women in postpartum period and the number ofdeliveries can affect sexual performance.