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Isolation of Rubella Virus from Patients with Progressive Rubella Pan-Encephalitis

Publish Year: 1384
Type: Journal paper
Language: English
View: 102

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Index date: 27 December 2023

Isolation of Rubella Virus from Patients with Progressive Rubella Pan-Encephalitis abstract

During a period of 7 years (1997-2003) we were received pairs of serum and CSF of 27 suspicious clinically cases from neurology department of several hospitals in Tehran. Among them 7 were serologically positive for progressive rubella panencephalitis (PRPE) and 2 were positive for sub acute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE). Rubella virus was isolated from 4 of 7 serologically positive cases of PRPE using three different cell culture systems.

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