Numerical calculation of crack growth coefficient,stress intensity coefficient and fatigue parametersby applying loads on the steel rings of cementproducing rotary kilns
Publish place: The third international conference on new researches and achievements in science, engineering and new technologies
Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 دی 1402
In the past, one of the main reasons for cracking and breaking the ring was that the inner diameter of thering and the outer diameter of the furnace were the same, as well as the fact that the ring was fixed onthe furnace body, which caused pressure on the ring due to the expansion of the furnace body and alsothe pressure of moving up and down of the furnace. and the ring is cracked and broken. This defect wassolved by taking into account the distance between the ring and the furnace body and the ring holderson the body. One of the other reasons for the formation of cracks on the ring is the growth of cracks dueto alternating stresses, which are called fatigue stresses. In this research, considering the importance ofthe problem, assuming a static state and the existence of a crack on the ring, firstly the forces on thering, the applied stresses on it, the displacement of critical points and then the growth and expansion ofthe crack in the steel ring of the furnace have been investigated. . This investigation has been done byanalytical solution with the help of mathematical equations
Department of Mechanic Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran