Financial literacy, disordered money behavioral in the context financial therapy concepts
Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 17 دی 1402
According to the American psychological association (APA), the number-one stressor in people` lives is money, above work, health, and children (APA ۲۰۱۲). While most Americans find money to be a source of stress in their lives, for some, this stress is a consequence of disordered money behavioral. Disordered money behavioral cannot be completely eliminated but it can be reduced or managed properly. It can negatively influence on people`s career and job performance. Financial literacy is one of the variables that seems to affect disordered money behavioral. This research seeks to investigate the relationship between financial literacy and disordered money behavioral and its construct among Iranians. The research sample selected by available methods includes ۳۸۵ people of the financial and accounting students and professors of Iranian universities in the first half of ۲۰۲۰. The standard questionnaire of financial literacy and disordered money behavioral of Moinuddin et al. (۲۰۱۴) and Klontz et al. (۲۰۱۲) has been used to measure the research variables and test hypotheses. Structural equations modeling technique in Smart PLS software was used to analyze data. The content and face validity methods and factor analysis were used to confirm the validity of the questionnaire, and its reliability was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The results support that financial literacy have a negative impact on disordered money behavioral and their constructs.
Mahboobeh Behfar
PH. D student of financial management. Faculty of management and Accounting. Science and Research Branch. Islamic Azad University. Tehran. Iran.
Mohammadhamed Khanmohammadi
Associate Professor. Department of Accounting. Damavand Branch. Islamic Azad University. Damavand. Iran.
Associate Professor. Department of Financial Management. Islamshahr Branch. Islamic Azad University. Islamshahr. Iran.
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