Introducing A Method for Optimizing Daylight and View Clarity in Electrochromic Glazing in Office Buildings
Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 20 دی 1402
One way to improve a building's performance is to use dynamic façades that can adjust the amount of solar radiation they transmit. This can lower energy use and create a better indoor environment with natural light and less glare. Electrochromic glazing (EC) is a type of dynamic façade that can change its tint level by applying a low voltage. Unlike other daylight control methods, such as shades or blinds, EC does not block the daylight or the view outside, which can benefit the occupants' health. This paper focuses on using EC for daylight control and proposes a simulation-based framework to find the optimal tint level combination for a split-pane window. The window has three independent horizontal panes that each can get one of the four tint levels from clear to darkest. The simulation evaluates ۶۴ possible combinations for each time point insolstices (۳۸۴ in total), using Radiance, and selects the best ones based on visual comfort criteria, including daylight, glare, and view. The paper also compares the results with a base case with non-tint double glazing to see the improvements.
Nasim Goli Baghmahyari
Bu-Ali Sina University, Hameda, Iran.
Mohammadmehdi Moulaii
Bu-Ali Sina University, Hameda, Iran.