Spiritual Realism as a Literary Category

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 بهمن 1402


The core of Russia's spirituality is its millennial Christian fold in its truly national, chosen by our ancestors of the Orthodox faith, with its collegiality, tolerance, humanity, openness to divine revelation. In our literary studies there is a search for a term to denote the method of portraying life, in which the spiritual world acts as the highest reality. The term spiritual realism, which means putting Christian ideals into artistic form, has proved to be the most productive. The features of spiritual realism can be found not only in the works of B. Zaitsev and I. Shmelev, but the V.Y. Shishkov, S.D. Drozhzhin, A.A. Akhmatova, N. With. Gumilev, Y. Kuznetsov, N. Rubtsov, V. Krupin and many other writers of the twentieth century and the classics of Russian literature century. The difference between spiritual realism and romanticism and traditional realism is revealed. In some contemporary works, the conflict is portrayed as a struggle of spirit and flesh. In this spiritual warfare is the formation of personality.The core of Russia's spirituality is its millennial Christian fold in its truly national, chosen by our ancestors of the Orthodox faith, with its collegiality, tolerance, humanity, openness to divine revelation. In our literary studies there is a search for a term to denote the method of portraying life, in which the spiritual world acts as the highest reality. The term spiritual realism, which means putting Christian ideals into artistic form, has proved to be the most productive. The features of spiritual realism can be found not only in the works of B. Zaitsev and I. Shmelev, but the V.Y. Shishkov, S.D. Drozhzhin, A.A. Akhmatova, N. With. Gumilev, Y. Kuznetsov, N. Rubtsov, V. Krupin and many other writers of the twentieth century and the classics of Russian literature century. The difference between spiritual realism and romanticism and traditional realism is revealed. In some contemporary works, the conflict is portrayed as a struggle of spirit and flesh. In this spiritual warfare is the formation of personality.


Redkin Valery Alexandrovich

Professor of Tver State University, Tver, Russia.

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