Successfulness of Hair Follicular Transplantation for melanocytes activation in Vitiligo
Publish place: Plant Biotechnology Persa، Vol: 6، Issue: 1
Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 68
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 30 بهمن 1402
Background: Vitiligo is a prevalent skin condition characterized by depigmented patches on the skin of affected individuals. Despite the existence of numerous treatment alternatives, the results often prove dissatisfactory, particularly for patients with stable vitiligo. This study aimed to examine the impact of healthy hair follicular Transplantation (FUT) as a treatment method for segmental/stabilized vitiligo.
Methods: This prospective study included all eligible patients with stable vitiligo in nonglabrous parts of the body who referred to dermatology department of Urmia Imam Khomeini hospital to be treated from March ۲۰۲۱ to Februery ۲۰۲۲. The selected patients underwent a comprehensive examination to determine the number of lesions, their size, location, and type of vitiligo. The reduction in the size of vitiligo patches, along with improvements in associated leukotrichia, were evaluated using both subjective and objective assessments.
Results: Of ۵۷ patients, ۲۰ (۳۵ %) were males and ۳۷ (۶۵ %) were females with mean age of ۲۹.۲ (۴.۴) years old. Thirty-one (۵۴.۸ %) patients showed excellent repigmentation. Eighteen (۳۲.۲ %) showed good repigmentation. Five (۸.۲ %) of the patches showed fair repigmentation. Three (۴.۸%) of the patches showed poor repigmentation. Additionally Excellent color match was achieved in ۵۴ patches (۹۴.۷۳%). Only ۶ (۱۰%) patients had a lower than ۲ mm repigmented area around the hair follicle cell transplants. Additionally, thirty-three patients (۵۷.۸۹%) had a ۲-۴ mm repigmented area around the hair follicle cell transplants. Eighteen patients (۳۱.۵۸ %) had had a ۵-۱۰ mm repigmented area around the hair follicle cell transplants.
Conclusion: FUT is a secure and efficacious approach to address localized and segmental vitiligo, particularly on areas of the skin with hair. While it requires significant labor, it has been observed to facilitate speedy patient recovery, entail minimal morbidity, and achieve favorable color harmony.
Azin Dalili
Department of General Surgery, School of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Yousef Roosta
Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran
Ali Ranjbari
Department of General Surgery, School of Medicine, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran
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