The Impact of U.S. Sanctions on Population Growth Rates with Emphasis on Cultural Invasion in Iran

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 30 بهمن 1402


The aim of this article is to investigate the effects of U.S. sanctions on population growth rates, emphasizing cultural invasion in Iran. Unilateral sanctions, acting as pressure tools on governments, directly and indirectly impose various negative impacts on both "citizens of the sanctioned governments" and "the rights of other non-resident individuals in those governments." The Islamic Republic of Iran has not been immune to U.S. sanctions, facing various sanctions since the early years of the Islamic Revolution. These sanctions have had various effects on Iran, one of which is influencing the population growth rate as a result of the development of cultural invasion. The main research question is: What impact have U.S. sanctions had on the population growth rate in Iran? The research results indicate that, due to the ruthless and unjust sanctions imposed by the United States in recent years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has faced significant and irreparable problems and losses. These challenges have not only been domestic but have also extended to the international community. Among the most significant consequences of U.S. sanctions is the reduction in the population growth rate in Iran, leading to an increase in cultural invasions by the United States aimed at reducing fertility. The research methodology is descriptive-analytical, collecting information through the study of documentary sources and libraries.


اصغر ایمانی

Associate Professor of Edalat University

محمد محسن خشنود

Master's student, Edalat University

داوود زندی آغوری

Master's student, Edalat University