The effect of Lactobacillus brevis supernatant on the growth rate of C۱۳۹ colorectal cancer cell line after ۲۴ hours

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 48

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 اسفند 1402


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVESLactobacilli are the normal microbiota of the digestive system. Approximately ۵۶ species of Lactobacillus genus have been identified. Lactic acid bacteria can produce antimicrobial compounds and are effective against a wide range of pathogens. In addition, the anticancer effects of probiotics have been reported. They have a crucial role in preventing the transformation of pro-carcinogens into carcinogens, such as binding and reducing the absorption and inactivation of mitogenic compounds, reducing the growth of pro-carcinogenic bacteria, and increasing the function of the immune system.This study aimed to determine the effect of Lactobacillus brevis supernatant on the survival of the C۱۳۹ colorectal cancer cell line after ۲۴ hours.MATERIALS AND METHODSLactobacillus brevis IBRC-M ۱۰۸۱۸ strain was cultured in MRS broth for ۲۴ hours at ۳۰°C in an anaerobic jar containing CO۲. The ۲۴-hour light absorption rate of bacteria in the MRS broth culture medium was equal to ۳.۳. This amount equals approximately ۵.۳-۹.۴ ×۱۰۹ CFU/mL. By centrifuging the medium, the culture supernatant was obtained and lyophilized.Also, the C۱۳۹ cancer cell line was prepared, and after culturing them, ۴ × ۱۰۴ cells were transferred to ۹۶-well plates to be affected by (۰.۵, ۰.۲۵, ۰.۰۶, ۰.۰۳, and ۰.۰۱۵ mg/mL) concentrations of bacterial supernatant. After ۲۴ hours, the results were evaluated using the MTT Assay.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONPresent results showed that in ۲۴ hours, the lowest cell viability was ۴۸% at the concentration of ۰.۵ mg/mL of supernatant. Also, the highest cell viability was about ۱۱۹% at the concentration of ۰/۰۱۵mg/mL of supernatant, and during ۲۴h, the IC۵۰ value was calculated at ۰.۵۵ mg/mL.CONCLUSIONAn increase in the concentration of Lactobacillus brevis supernatant is related to a decrease in the viability of C۱۳۹ cells. It seems likely that lactobacillus brevis supernatant can prevent the growth and increase of cells in Colorectal cancer.


Maryam Karimi

Department of Biology, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran

Zahra Tahmasebi Fard

Department of Biology, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran