Geoconservation and Responsible Use of the Territory: Experiences from the Lanzarote and Chinijo Islands UNESCO Global Geopark. abstract
The island of
Lanzarote represents a fragile insular space of high environmental value, where coexistence between conservation and the controlled and responsible use of local heritage has been achieved. Since April 2015,
Lanzarote and the set of islands and islets of the Chinijo Islands, have been part of the UNESCO Global Geopark Network. Among its unique features is a global geosite of international relevance, the historic basaltic eruption of Timanfaya, as well as the forms and materials derived from the interaction of volcanic and erosive-sedimentary processes over more than 15 million years. The Geopark preserves key geological heritage for the islands that has been respectfully used to contribute to sustanible socioeconomic development. The recognition of Lanzarote, the Chinijo Archipelago as a Geopark, has been a fundamental tool to strengthen local strategies and value the local geological and geomorphological heritage. In addition, it has also been key in continuing to contribute to the traditional and sustainable use of these fragile insular spaces, favoring lasting models of coexistence. Here, we explore the different lines of work that the Geopark is currently developing to achieve its objectives in terms of geoconservation, responsible use of the territory, and sustainability.The recognition of Lanzarote, the Chinijo Archipelago as a Geopark, has been a fundamental tool to strengthen local strategies and value the local geological and geomorphological heritage. In addition, it has also been key in continuing to contribute to the traditional and sustainable use of these fragile insular spaces, favoring lasting models of coexistence.This document tries to expose the different lines of work that the Geopark is currently developing to achieve its essential objectives in terms of geoconservation, responsible use of the territory and sustainability.