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Effect of Irrigation on Soil Properties in Jakara Kano, Nigeria

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Effect of Irrigation on Soil Properties in Jakara Kano, Nigeria abstract

Soil samples from the Jakara irrigation project site were evaluated with respect to possible degradation caused by irrigation. Most of the soils were neutral to alkaline with pH values ranging between 6.58 + 0.04 and 10.45 + 0.03. The electrical conductivity ranged from 0.3 + 0.01 to 75.2 + 0.06 dSm-1 which implies low to very high salinity. The concentrations of the exchangeable cations in the soils follow the order Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ with respective concentrations of 8.70 + 0.4 to 187.8 + 0.5 cmolcKg-1, 1.06 + 0.05 to 5.49 + 0.05 cmolcKg-1, 0 to 15 + 0.05 cmolcKg-1 and 0.36 + 0.02 to 2.73 + 0.05 cmolcKg-1. It was noted that Na+, a non-essential cation is dominant in the soil samples. The results showed ESP values much greater than 15% for all the soil samples studied which implies high soil degradation. The available P and C:N ratios ranged from 1.0 + 0.01 to 4.9 + 0.06?gg-1 and 0.2 to 11.0 respectively while the available K ranged from 8 + 0.02 to 138 + 6?gg-1 . It was observed that less than 17% of the total K was available for plant uptake. The soil was noted to be clayey in nature with CEC values ranging between 20 + 2 and 86 + 5 cmolcKg-1 with a ranking model indicating low fertility indices. REFERENCES Agbenin, J. O. (1995 a) Laboratory Manual For Soil and Plant Analysis (Selected methods and data analysis). Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture/ Institute for Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.Agbenin, J. O. (1995 b) The phosphorus sorption by three Alfisols as influenced by pH. Fertilizer Res. 44, 107- 112.Aseyeva, I. V. and Velikzhanina, G. A. (1966) Extraction and characterization of humus. Can. J. Soil Sci. 54, 317- 24. Awotundun, E. F. (1973) Soil Analysis: A Manual for the Soil- Water Laboratory. Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Kano, Nigeria. pp. 27-61Ayers, R. S. and Westcot, D. W. (1985) Water Quality For Agriculture. Irrigation and Drainage Paper 29 Rev. 1. FAO, Rome.Bichi, M. H. 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Effect of Irrigation on Soil Properties in Jakara Kano, Nigeria Keywords:

Effect of Irrigation on Soil Properties in Jakara Kano, Nigeria authors

U. I. Gaya

Department of Chemistry Bayero University, P.M.B ۳۰۱۱, Kano,

A. A. Audu

Department of Chemistry Bayero University, P.M.B ۳۰۱۱, Kano,