Strategies Used in Translating Transitive Phrasal Verbs from English movies into Persian

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 تیر 1403


The transitive phrasal verbs are too significant in translation process, which is why non-native speakers need to be trained for translating them properly. Few researchers have ever analyzed the transitive phrasal verbs in the field of subtitle. This descriptive research was aimed to determine the types of strategies applied by Persian translator for translating the transitive phrasal verbs. the transitive phrasal verbs utilized in the first ۶ episodes of the second season of Friends and its Persian subtitle were identified and collected. Based on the theoretical framework of the study, Baker’s (۲۰۱۸), the frequency and percentage of the collected data were calculated and inserted in different table. To sum up, the dominant used strategy in the series was using an idiom of similar meaning and form with ۲۷ (۴۴.۲۶%) data and the least common strategy was translation by paraphrase with ۴ (۶.۵۵%).


MohammadYasin zenali

BA, English Translation, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran