Semantics of the word "Tsawil" in the Holy Quran with emphasis on conceptual relationships
Publish place: Linguistic Research in the Holy Quran، Vol: 13، Issue: 2
Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 28 مرداد 1403
One of the ways to achieve semantic subtleties and deepen the understanding of texts is to pay attention to the conceptual relationships between words. This matter finds a special place in the words of the Holy Qur'an. Therefore, the upcoming research based on the analytical-descriptive method, has investigated and analyzed the conceptual relations of the word "Tsawil" in the Holy Quran with other accompanying and substitute words. The components that are effective in the semantics of the word "Taswil" with the purpose of substitution are Eqva, Tazeen, Zokhroph, Tahliyah, Tahsin, and Tabarj, and in the accompanying vocabulary section, the words of Nafs, Saitan, and Emla have been examined. Finally, it is confirmed that Taswil is an act of the human soul and it refers to a special meaning of decoration that is related to human desires. On this occasion, this emotional power is also called the responsible self (Mosawaleh), in the sense that what is far from the truth is seen as pleasing in the sight of man and causes slippage and fault in human decision-making.
رحمان عشریه
Associate Professor, Exegesis Department, Holy Quran University of Science and Knowledge, Qom, Iran
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