Droplet Distribution and Langmuir Effects on the Ice Accretion on the Cylinder Shape

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 31 مرداد 1403


Since cold regions are highly suitable for wind energy development, this research examines the icing phenomenon and its effect on wind turbine performance. A buildup of ice on a wind turbine blade can cause failure, resulting in the turbine collapsing in extreme cases. When airflow interferes with the blade geometry, ice accumulation changes the shape of the aerodynamic sections of turbines, precisely the stagnation point of blades, reducing the turbine's performance and the power coefficient. We used CFD tools during this study to simulate ice formation on wind turbine blades. As our simulations indicated that more detailed inputs were required, we cut the geometry complications and chose a cylinder for this project. Using the simulation results, it is clear that the droplet distribution plays a significant role in changing how ice forms on the geometry. In our simulation, we found that the results are similar to the ice accretion in the wind tunnel experiment by sorting the different droplet distributions and the different Langmuir. Simulating the wind turbine's ice shape using the suggested classification and knowing the boundary conditions is possible.


Icing-Numerical Simulation-Cylinder-Droplet distribution- Langmuir


Mojtaba Tahani

Professor, Deportment of aerospace engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Faraz Fotoohi

M.Sc. student, Deportment of aerospace engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Ghazal Esmaeili

M.Sc. student, Deportment of aerospace engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran