Investigating rotation and fatigue of vertical axis wind turbine to generate electricity in electric vehicles

Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 شهریور 1403


The growth rate of electric vehicles is increasing. However, obstacles such as the long standard charging time, the drop in the power grid when using fast charging, and the lack of charging stations in areas far from the city have kept these vehicles from widespread use. This research aims to investigate a vertical-axis wind turbine model for generating electricity in electric vehicles. Due to the similarity of the problem conditions to the turbocharger, the turbine and the turbocharger housing were used, and its suitable installation location was modeled in the Catia software. The performance check was done while driving at ۸۰ km/h. The amount of turbine rotation, Stress distribution, and pressure distribution of the turbine assembly was simulated with the mentioned speed in AnsysFluent and Abaqus software. After the simulation, the results show that the normal and shear Stress distribution on the turbine blades is insignificant, and the blade's life is infinite. The existence of the housing has increased the wind speed to reach the turbine, and during this operation, the turbine has good efficiency and converts the wind flow into rotation. Here, with a wind speed of ۸۰ km/h, the turbine rotates at a speed of ۲,۵۰۵ rpm, which is a suitable speed for generating electricity. The electricity generation of this mechanism was estimated at ۲-۵ kW at this speed.


Behnam Hatami

Faculty of Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

Sirvan Mohammadi

Faculty of Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran