Model Predictive Control (MPC) System for Motors

Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 مهر 1403


The growing need of industry for higher productivity is placing new demands on mechanismsconnected with electrical motors. This is leading to different problems in work operation due tofast dynamics and instability. The stability of the system is essential to work at desired settargets.The nonlinear effects caused by a motor frequently reduce stability which reduces thecontroller’s ability to maintain speed or position at set points. Hence number of the industrialprocess applications requires position control of DC motor. DC motors have traditionally beenmodelled as second order linear systems, which ignores the dead nonlinear zone of the motor.The paper gives insight into Model Predictive Control and run MATLAB simulations to showsome of the theory for linear systems using a generalized system. The importance of MPC,components of MPC is mentioned and some of its practical applications on DC Motor arepresented. This paper gives basics of MPC, use of MPC TOOLBOX for DC Motor modellingand Control.In this thesis, I intend to have a general look at MPC at first, and then we will examine servomotors and MPC controller design with coding method and MPC tool. Finally, by using thearticle "MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROLLERS FOR A NETWORKED DC SERVOSYSTEM", we discuss the advantages and benefits of using MPC and by using it, we want tocheck the delays in the closed loop control systems of the dc motor. And I will compare myresults with the results of this article.


Mohammad Amin Gholampour Saadi

Master’s student in Electrical Engineering,Tehran University , Tehran ,Iran

Hannah Shokri

Bachelor’s student in Computer Engineering, Islamic Azad University ,Qom,Iran