Prediction of Identity Style and Body Image Basedon Attachment Styles and Parenting Styles ofAdolescents

Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 مهر 1403


Main: In this regard, the current research aims to predict identity style and body image basedon attachment styles and parenting styles of adolescents.Materials and methods: The statistical population includes all adolescents aged ۱۲ to ۱۸ livingin Isfahan city. Two hundred (۱۳۰girls and ۷۰ boys, range of ۱۳ to ۱۷ years (۷۰.۶%)) of themwere selected by Convenience sampling method. After selecting the sample, Berzonsky'sidentity style, Littleton's fear of body image, Collins and Read's attachment style, andBaumrind's parenting styles questionnaires were administered to the subjects.Findings: According to the results of Pearson's correlation coefficient and regression,attachment styles have a negative and significant effect on the identity style ofadolescents(with Regression coefficient: -.۴۲۰, Critical value: -۴.۰۲۷) and, attachment styleshave a positive and significant effect on their body image(Regression coefficient :۰.۵۹۳,Critical value: ۴.۹۳۳). Parenting styles have a positive and significant effect on the identitystyle(Regression coefficient: ۰.۶۰۳, Critical value: ۵.۲۶۳). Moreover, parenting styles have anegative and significant effect on the body image of adolescents(Regression coefficient: ۰.۴۱۱,Critical value: -۳.۷۰۴)(p=۰.۰۱).Conclusion: These findings indicate the role of secure ۱attachment and parental love inadolescents achieving a successful identity and avoiding identity confusion as well as adesirable body image of themselves, Also, it emphasizes the need to inform parents andadolescents through family education programs.


Asma ZareDorahi

Master of psychology and education of exceptional children, specialization in psychology andeducation of exceptional children, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, ShirazUniversity, Fars