Introduction: Cellulose is the most abundant natural biopolymer and one of the most popular environmentally friendly materials that bacterial species can produce. Due to the unique characteristics of bacteria cellulose, such as using a very low-cost culture medium for growth, creating a suitable wet environment in the wound bed, and the ability to adapt to various wound conditions, diversity in size, high porosity, non-toxicity, Biocompatibility, high strength, and resistance, being impervious to bacteria were used in this study.Methods: In this research, we designed, fabricated, and evaluated biocompatible and strong wound dressings with maximum ideal characteristics. These wound dressings were based on bacteriocellulose (derived from kombucha) and bioactive glass seeds. We investigated the biochemical and physical properties of the wound dressing, such as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), tensile strength, swelling, contact angle, toxicity (MTT), and antimicrobial properties. Based on the results, the prepared
wound dressing was selected for in vivo evaluation on rats. We used microscopic and histological (hematoxylin and eosin staining) techniques and wound surface measurement to evaluate wound healing on days 7, 14, and 20 after treatment.Results: The results obtained from FE-SEM show the three-dimensional structure of bacterial cellulose. The FTIR examination of the wound surface shows its hydrophilic solid properties; bioglass nanoparticles in the bacterial cellulose substrate strengthen and improve its mechanical properties.
Bacteriocellulose has a relatively good swelling ability and creates a moist and suitable environment in the wound area; it also makes it easier to separate the
wound dressing from the wound environment and is a suitable absorbent for wound secretions. It has biocompatibility. In the examination of the in vitro performance by measuring the degree of wound closure as an indicator of the effectiveness of the treatment, it was shown that the treatment of the wound with a bacteria cellulose dressing treated with bioglass particles led to the wound healing after 20 days.Conclusion: The findings show that this
wound dressing has suitable capabilities such as biocompatibility, high mechanical strength, non-toxicity, creating and maintaining moisture on the wound's surface, antimicrobial properties, Appropriate flexibility, and the ability to absorb wound secretions. Therefore, this dressing has good potential for the successful and targeted healing of wounds, especially burns.